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Solve Big Data Problems

The complex problems may be conflict and competition games. NelaStrategy Server predicts solutions of the games that may appear in forms like battles between republicans and democrats, trade and cyber wars, and market-share competitions. It predicted a solution of the 2013 U.S. government shutdown crisis.

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Simplify Workflow and Visualize Process

NelaStrategy Server simplifies process management. It allows a group of predefined users to work on a complex project under a streamlined visual process.

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Engage Linux Server

NelaStrategy Server runs on an open-source Linux-based operating system. It provides 24/7/52 Web-based Analytics BPM service to end users with affordable BPM workflow solutions. The Linux server enables enterprise search (solr) of unstructured data for new insights.

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Computerized Game Theory framework. Unique REST APIs of Predictive Analytics.

NelaStrategy Server hosts the Analytics REST APIs that computerize Nash Equilibrium solutions of Game Theory. For example, the NELA APIs may calculate Nash Equilibria to predict solutions of the 2013 U.S. government shutdown crisis.

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Simplified workflow. Streamlined process.

NelaStrategy Server organizes a group of end users to collaborate on complex projects under planned and streamlined processes. For example, Republicans and Democrats, Congress and White House may use a streamlined and planned NelaStrategy process to resolve idea differences.

Affordable Enterprise Linux Server. NelaChip Cluster.

NelaStrategy Server is running on an open-source enterprise Linux server that is cost effective. NelaStrategy Server offers an end to end enterprise solution including software and hardware servers (e.g., NelaChip). It costs 20% less of similar offerings.

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NelaStrategy Server is designed by Yeswici LLC, a private U.S. company specializes in enterprise software and hardware solutions. NELA stands for Nash Equilibrium and Loss Aversion. The notion of Nash Equilibrium is key to Game Theory. Nela APIs are analytics REST APIs that calculate Nash Equilibria of games to predict solutions of complex problems.

Email, Baltimore, MD

Email with the pricing of a similar offering (e.g., IBM or Oracle BPM) to request 20% discount of the price for a NelaStrategy Server.