Current EST: 20-Apr-24 : 04:26:30

Tomorrow's Investor Sentiment Visualized

Generic placeholder image

Tomorrow's Sentiment Value=12.5537
P-value of Prediction Model=0.5081

SAPE=Sentiment Asset Pricing Engine

Copyright by Yeswici LLC Pending Patent

SAPE4 | Today

Current EST: 20-Apr-24 : 04:26:30

Today's Investor Sentiment Visualized

Generic placeholder image

Investor Sentiment Value=
(the smaller the sentiment number, the more exuberant the market)

Market Temperature=76.7F(24.83C)

Patent Pending: Yeswici LLC

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Will market crash tomorrow? As subset of SAPE4-SPS, this SAPE4 demo app uses Web and smart devices to present daily auto-forecast of market sentiment. Contact:

Value-add of SAPE4 demo app

Patent Pending: Yeswici LLC