About Big Data Apps as Rx and pCMS

1. What is BDAR and pCMS?

BDAR stands for Big Data Apps as Rx that employs big data and predictive algos to build Cloud-based applications as options to replace Rx. pCMS, i.e., personal chronic-condition (pain and cholesterol) management system, is an example of BDAR that employs payers' big data and Yeswici's predictive algos to engage consumers with preventive medicine to replace Rx (e.g., Lipitor).

2. What are the details about pCMS?

Here are the details about pCMS.

3. Who will use BDAR and pCMS?

BDAR and pCMS are designed for payers like health insurance companies (Aetna and Cigna) and government agencies (CMS and VA), providers like hospitals and physicians, consumers like members and beneficiaries, and application developers of the apps.

4. What are the technologies and techniques in BDAR and pCMS?

For BDAR and pCMS, Yeswici LLC engages Open Big Data, Business Intelligence, SOA, Predictive Analytics, Monte Carlo Simulation, Algo-as-Service, Sentiment Analytics, Quantitative Modeling, Behavioral Economics & Investing, Social Media, Database Management, Portal, Federated ID Management, Security, Performance Engineering, Signal Detection Algorithms, Cloud, Mobile, and Web 2.0.

5. How to invest in BDAR and pCMS?

Please contact the founder via email: info at yeswici.com