PNN® AI Investment Innovations

We use the first Trendspotting AI® machine to lift mission-critical alpha for PNN AI funds with respectable model accuracies.
PNN AI Technologies extend & automate the trendspot framework by Shiller-Fama (Nobel 2013) showing asset trends are predictable.

PNN® Institutions Produces On-demand PNN Charts

About PNN

The first Trendspotting AI®

Predictive Neural Nets (PNN) AI - Confidently predict long-term trends of assets (equity, ETF, mutual funds, cryptocurrency) by Trendspotting AI® to lift fund alpha.

  • Mission - The current disconnection between investment practice and science calls for predictable investment science and technology. PNN IST (Investment Science & Technology) enables FinTech AI-BigData-Cloud (ABC) investment innovations to answer "How to Outperform Warren?"
  • PNN AI Edges for Fund Alpha
  • PNN AI Use Cases

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